Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Coming of Age blog

The book i am reading Speak is about a girl who's name is Melinda Sordino and she went to a party with her friends after 8th grade graduation and she got raped. She then called the cops and everyone at the party got in trouble because of her. And now all her friends hate her and won't talk to her. She got raped but didn't tell anyone since only she knew. The boy who raped her now goes to her new high school with all her Ex friends. She has to deal with not only that but with the fact that she thinks she was a mistake because her parents are unhappy with each other and they only stayed together because she was born. She feels that she is the reason why they hate each other so much. They don't pay any attention to her at all, and she feels as if she cant talk to them especially about her getting raped. She has absolutly no one to talk about this situation with. But then she meets this boy in art  Michale and he kinda talks to her but not that much. She learns how to draw a tree because in the beggining the teacher told her to draw a tree and she drew a stick with little green leafs at the end and he said that she needs to learn and by the end of the year she will know how to draw a proper tree. So as time progresses, towards the end she ends up telling one of her Ex bestfriends she got raped and who by and he friend called her a liar saying he wouldnt do that because that was her boyfriend. And Melinda found this little secret room in the school and she would go in there and draw trees. And the boy who raped her came in and said " Why did you lie to her ? i would never ! touch you " and pushed her. They stared fighting and she took this paint remover thing and threw is in his eyes stabbed him and then cheerleaders found them and started beating the boy up. She just walked away. She had many scratches and bruises and had to go to the hospital for a broken arm and thats when her parents found out. They said that she could communicate with them and sounded so sincere about it but thats how it ended better in a way cause she let it out and didnt keep it inside where it was pratically eating her up.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo and Juliet are married now by the Friar Laurence, And only Romeo, Juliet, Friar Laurence, and the Nurse know. They probably don't want to tell their parents because Juliet's might kill Romeo and Romeo's will try to break them apart in probably very devious ways. Like to make it seem as if he cheated so she would end it with him. But that's what might occur .... i don't think so thought..... But also if her parents don't know she is married they would force her to marry Count Paris and that would be unfaithful to Romeo ... Also because she loves him with all her heart but lets see what happens next byeee

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Review on "Much to do about Nothing"

Much to do about Nothing is a very sad, secretive, loving, funny story all in one. This girl Hero the daughter of Leonardo and cousin of Beatrice, Fell in love with a man by the name of Claudio. They were due to get married soon after they meet. But Beatrice was secretly in love with Benedict. He secretly loved her to. They insulted each other and yet still loved one another. The guy Don Pedro was a close friend of all of them and had a brother Don Jon. Don Jon was jealous of Don Pedro because everyone liked him. So Don Jon decides to sabotage Claudio's wedding and make it seem as if Hero is cheating on Claudio with someone else. He saw some women and a man in a window together even though it wasn't Hero. Claudio and everyone who was with him witnessed it happened. But before that happened Beatrice and Benedict listened in on their friends talking about their love for each other. So they soon fell in love secretly but didn't tell anyone or each other. On the wedding day of Claudio and Hero he threw Hero on the floor and accused her of cheating. Her own father didn't believe her -.- ............. Beatrice then told Benedict to kill Claudio for what he did. He said he would challenge him to a duel but then he just told him Hero was dead.... after he threw him on the floor but yeah. Then the priest suggested that Hero faked her death to make Claudio fell bad. Hero's father told Claudio what happened and he agreed to marry her cousin that was almost exactly like her. But there was these funny investigators and they caught Don Jon's friends talking about what they did and caught them. The investigator guy when up to everyone and told them what Don Jon really did and he kept saying " And don't forget I'm an Ass " it was funny though..... Then Hero and Claudio get married again after she suprised him and showed him she wasn't dead. Then it was Beatrice and Benedict professed their love for one another awee.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo and Juliet and two different people and they are star crossed lovers.I have a feeling that what's going to happen is .....They weren't meant to be but yet the met each other. If Romeo's parents and Juliet's parents don't agree the will probably sneak behind their backs and see each other. I think that no matter what Romeo and Juliet will try to be together. They will fight for their love even when Juliet is suppost to marry Count Paris. Even thought Romeo's parents will possibly set him up with some girl too. It was obviously love at first sight for them .... Can't wait to see what happeneds and what is thier first obstical cause of love <3

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Romeo & Juliet

Once Romeo and Juliet meet he tells her that her hand is to holy for him to touch. And when he touches it all his sins have poured out of him and he is holy. He says kiss me and make me holy he kisses her and then says my lips sins have purged ,Juliet questions if she now has the sin he once had and he said let me take it back. Then once again they kiss. The nurse interrupted them and tells Juliet her mother is calling. Juliet goes off to her mother and Romeo asks about her. Asking who is her mother and the nurse replies the lady of this house , the one to marry Juliet will get the chinks. Romeo soon realizes she is a Capulet. She but then finds out from her nurse that the boy is a Montague. The nurse found out from angry Tybalt trying to get Romeo kicked out of the part even after multiple attempts. He has frustrated his uncle multiple times with complaining about Romeo. After the party Romeo goes to see Juliet out on her balcony and talks to her and they talk . That all i got up to so far...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Romeo & Juliet

Romeo and Juliet haven't met yet and they are yet to meet at a party hosted by the Capulets. But Romeo is still mourning over Rosaline who has sworn off sex & boys. She is taking chastity, Romeo believes that she is letting her beauty go to waste. He believes no one could be as beautiful as her nor has he seen anyone ever prove him wrong. But Benvolio is trying to get him out of his little depressed mood. Telling him to forget about her, move on. At the same time, Juliet's mother (Lady Capulet) is making her consider being married to Count Paris. She hasn't thought of marrying but will consider it. Count Paris wants to marry her, thinks she is beautiful, and wants her to have his babies. But i think Paris just puts himself before others and is kind of self centered, others think is the perfect man, the man of wax. But soon enough even after Juliet considers marrying Count Paris, it will be after she met Romeo she will say how her heart may have been open to Paris is now taken by someone else <3

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Romeo & Juliet

Dearest friend,
     I have been reading Romeo and Juliet only the first act and scene. But this book is very interesting and intriging. I've learned about these two characters Sampson and Gregory. They don't like the people the work for and want to rape the other maids.
     Romeo is very sad. He is sad his love doesn't love him back. And his cousin Benvileo is trying to get him out of this little funk he is in. I don't understand this book very much complicated but i think i can manage. Byee until next time
   From, Becky <3

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stir it up! by: Ramin Ganeshram

So far in this book. Anjali always loved cooking and now she has an oppratunity to to a Food Network show or take a test to go to Stuyvesant. Her parents say No to the Food Network program and making her take the test. She believes that she could make it to be on TV and goes for the show and tells her friend Linc * Lincoln * take the test for her. She then confesses to them and says that she didn't take the test. Her father gets mad at her and tells her that she can't cook anymore. The next day he then talks to her mother and grandmother and talk out weather she's allowed to do it or not. She is the New York finalist for the food show. the night before she said to her parents " Wait until i get my acceptance letter and then you will all change your mind I'll make money and be famous just wait " * Not exactly what she said i just put it in my own words * And the next day she got her letter and she showed them and talked it out thinking on weather she was allowed to go or not. They finally let her go to the try out for the finalist. That's all i got up to so... yeah that's it bye

Thursday, February 16, 2012


We were together and now we are not
He took you away but not from my heart
This love i have for you will never stop
Together we may be or maybe not

Your smile brightens up my night
But now we are in the dark
I thought you were able to fight
But now at night your ghostly figure larks

( Forgot the Rest )

But you will never be replaced cause
In my world you give me sanity and grace

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I dont't really know where I left off in my last post buuut I know that she was trying not to like blood and stay away from erick. She Msut embrace that blood is what shew ants and she can't thinks he is a freak because of that everyone there drinks it. Erick said that when he first caught sight of it he puked his guts out and when she catches first sight of it she wants to chug it down. So different but when he walked her to her room he stopped bit her wrist kissed it and licked it he said she could always go back to him for a little taste * of blood * and she was obviously shocked. Aphroditie is the one who LOVES erick and will stop at nothing to win him back. She tries to show off and show off her body and he said him self the only pleasure she gives him is physical nothing more. And this girl her name is Zoey i think and he said she gives him more than just that she does somethign emotionally to him and it was so sweet and a little weird..... but there is more and  reading it hope to read the rest soon.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I read this book marked. It was really interesting actually I hope Ms.galang has the other books so I can continue to read the rest of the series. Its about this girl who gets a cresent moon mark on her fore head and is becoming a vampire and her mom and step father think she is the devil and is like posessed so she runs away to the house of darkness I think it was called and has to go thru the transformation of becoming a vampire. She tries to prevent from liking blood and this boy who she saw getting a BJ ..... O.o......... anyways he follows her sometimes to find out where she is going and to see if she is ever in any kind of trouble and he tried to help her out but the girl that gave him a BJ is jealous and hates the fact that its happening because that is her ex. And the main characters ex it trying to get back with her as well. I wonder whats gonna happen.

Monday, January 9, 2012

reading responce

I read the book evermore by Alyson noel and it was a very good book, it showed emotion. It showed how to deal with romance and drama and other people. How she has these powers to let her read other peoples minds and to see how they feel. She absolutley hates it and she has to live with her aunt because her family died in a car crash and she was saved by someone whom she doesn't know. But soon enough she bumps into Damen the person she finds out is immortal and saved her. The one who loves and wants to protect her. She finds out that he isnt human and has had many incarinations before and and all Damen wants is to get her back and not be with Drina. The beautiful one who loves Damen who once had him but lost him to ever. The one who always kills ever and ends up with Damen again. But that won't happen this time. Damen just can't bear to lost her again and again and again. But even though thru thick and thin Ever and Damen's relationship worked out even thought they had 2 breakups and they were immortal together and Drina was killed. But not i have to get the second book to find out what happens next. :p