Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Review on "Much to do about Nothing"

Much to do about Nothing is a very sad, secretive, loving, funny story all in one. This girl Hero the daughter of Leonardo and cousin of Beatrice, Fell in love with a man by the name of Claudio. They were due to get married soon after they meet. But Beatrice was secretly in love with Benedict. He secretly loved her to. They insulted each other and yet still loved one another. The guy Don Pedro was a close friend of all of them and had a brother Don Jon. Don Jon was jealous of Don Pedro because everyone liked him. So Don Jon decides to sabotage Claudio's wedding and make it seem as if Hero is cheating on Claudio with someone else. He saw some women and a man in a window together even though it wasn't Hero. Claudio and everyone who was with him witnessed it happened. But before that happened Beatrice and Benedict listened in on their friends talking about their love for each other. So they soon fell in love secretly but didn't tell anyone or each other. On the wedding day of Claudio and Hero he threw Hero on the floor and accused her of cheating. Her own father didn't believe her -.- ............. Beatrice then told Benedict to kill Claudio for what he did. He said he would challenge him to a duel but then he just told him Hero was dead.... after he threw him on the floor but yeah. Then the priest suggested that Hero faked her death to make Claudio fell bad. Hero's father told Claudio what happened and he agreed to marry her cousin that was almost exactly like her. But there was these funny investigators and they caught Don Jon's friends talking about what they did and caught them. The investigator guy when up to everyone and told them what Don Jon really did and he kept saying " And don't forget I'm an Ass " it was funny though..... Then Hero and Claudio get married again after she suprised him and showed him she wasn't dead. Then it was Beatrice and Benedict professed their love for one another awee.

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