Thursday, December 8, 2011


"Mom i don't want to go to school ! " , heather is nervous about her first day at school.
" No you have to go end of story " her mother said . Heather and her mother walked to the school it was only 5 blocks away. When they get to the school heather looks around and then looks at her self she is confused she asked her mother .
"mom why am i the only one with purple fur and everyone else has pink or blue ? " Her mother looked a little frightened replying ,
"Oh sweetie your just very unique and special don't worry everyone will love you ." she had tried to crack a smile but failed . Heather nodded and walked into class. she saw everyone running around playing with each other. She took another step into the class and everyone stopped, they stared at her as she entered the classroom and up to the teacher .
" Hi I'm Ms.Caro " said the teacher.
" Hi I'm Heather :) . Heather took a seat in the back with a group of kids they all stared at her and then moved their seats as far away from her as possible .

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