Monday, December 19, 2011

Draft continue part2

She was sitting in the bathroom on the floor in the corner or an open stall. The teacher slowly walked around the bathroom Heather hearing her foot steps coming closer and closer. The teacher got closer and looked into one stall and jumped and screamed when she saw Heather there, Heather had the same reaction. The teacher bent down to heathers level and asked,
" What's the matter heather why you crying ? "
" They making fun of me and laughing at me there not talking to me either. "
" Who ? " The teacher asked
" The kids in class they are being very mean I tryed to be nice, I talked to one of the girls and she looked at me glared looked back her friends and started laughing ".
The teacher stood back up and took Heather's hand. The marched out of the bathroom and into the classroom. The girls who stared at her before are looking at her again. The teacher polietley asked
" Who were the girls who stared at you and started laughing ?"
Heather looked up at the girl shed a tear and pointed to her. The other girl gave her a cold glare. The teacher looked up to her and said
" Brianna in the time out chair NOW !! " Brianna slowly walked to the other side of the room towards the chair staring at heather the whole time. She got to the chair she took one last look at everybody who was now staring at her she look at heather once more and started to quietley chuckle then turned around and sat in the chair.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Draft continue

She was hurt. Woundering why the kids moved away from her, wouldn't talk to her, would even look at her and if they did it was a nasty glare. She couldn't bare it anymore and she started crying. The kids looked at her and started laughing. The teacher noticed and pulled her outside to talk to her.
" Heather what's wrong ? " the teacher asked.
" The kids they aren't talking to me or playing with me :( " Heather squealed. The teacher said it would be fine just be nice and talk to them nicey and try to befriend them. She did as she was told and no one talked to her.
" Hey " heather said to a group or girls " I'm Heather "
The girls just looked at her and they gave her a dirty glare and then turned to each other and smirked. Heather got scared and ran away, everyone started laughing. Heather ran into the girls bathroom into one of the stalls. The teacher shortly noticed heather had ran out of the room and when to go look for her. She searched every where then she looked in the bathroom only to find, Heather curled up into a ball in a open stall on the floor.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


"Mom i don't want to go to school ! " , heather is nervous about her first day at school.
" No you have to go end of story " her mother said . Heather and her mother walked to the school it was only 5 blocks away. When they get to the school heather looks around and then looks at her self she is confused she asked her mother .
"mom why am i the only one with purple fur and everyone else has pink or blue ? " Her mother looked a little frightened replying ,
"Oh sweetie your just very unique and special don't worry everyone will love you ." she had tried to crack a smile but failed . Heather nodded and walked into class. she saw everyone running around playing with each other. She took another step into the class and everyone stopped, they stared at her as she entered the classroom and up to the teacher .
" Hi I'm Ms.Caro " said the teacher.
" Hi I'm Heather :) . Heather took a seat in the back with a group of kids they all stared at her and then moved their seats as far away from her as possible .

my inpiration (Kevin Henkes' Chrysanthemum)

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. It inspired me to write a book about the purple baby and how she got made fun of. Because Chrysanthemum was a long name and got made fun of for it. no one cares about what she was like as a person or why she was so special in her own way, just because of a name -.- ......... Anyways my story relates to it because no one cares for the purple baby. except her parents, they don't see that even thought she is purple she is still special and no one is able to see how sweet and nice she really is until she dies her fur and pretends to be like everyone else

Monday, December 5, 2011

Links on my topic to help me get information ( Bullying timelines ) ( Global Impact ) ( Statistics ), Article, Bullying ) ( Bullying stories about little kids )

New Idea !

Okay so its about a unique purple tiger. usually the tigers are born either blue=boy/dad or pink=girl/mom . A special mommy and daddy tiger made a special unique purple baby tiger. And the purple baby who's name is Heather is bullied because she isn't either pink or blue she is a mixture and purple. Kids are jealous because she isn't like the rest but then they make fun of her because she is so called 'abnormal'. But then she dies her fur so she looks pink instead of purple . And kids finally accept her. But then she finally learns the importance of being your self and uniqueness is one of a kind ;) .
( Made some minor ajustments to it )